Training Kubernetes Administration

En ligne - Sur demande

2 500€ HT / person (3 000€ TTC)

4 days

Paris - Sur demande

2 500€ HT / person (3 000€ TTC)

4 days

Lyon - Sur demande

2 500€ HT / person (3 000€ TTC)

4 days


The objective of the training is to acquire Kubernetes Administration basics :

  • Learn about container orchestration
  • Master the installation, configuration of a Kubernetes platform
  • Understand the main types of objects managed by Kubernetes
  • Know how to deploy applications on Kubernetes
  • Be able to debug and observe applications and the Kubernetes cluster itself

The training consists of about 50% theory and 50% hands-on labs.

Note: Although the training is a good preparation for the CKA certification, it can also be combined with the “K8S-004-EN CKA Exam Preparation” training.
This day is dedicated to practical exercises to help pass the certification.
It is recommended to take the preparation training a week later to properly fix the learnings.

This is what you will learn

The training participant will acquire Kubernetes Administration basics, in particular :

  • Installation, Configuration, Upgrading of a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Deploying and upgrading applications on Kubernetes
  • How to expose applications
  • Use of external data volumes
  • Observation, debugging of applications & of the cluster
  • Security & Best practices

Requirements and target audience

This training is ideal for engineers with little or no experience with Kubernetes administration.
Participants must provide their own PC with internet access, with the ability :

  • to use a browser to connect to sites hosted on AWS
  • to connect to AWS EC2 VMs using SSH (an alternative will connection method can be provided)

To take full advantage of this training, participants :

  • should be at ease working at the command line
  • have basic notions of Linux processes
  • have basic notions of container engines such as Docker
  • Be able to use an SSH client such as openssh on Linux, macOS, WSL or Putty on Windows

The training will be entirely in English. Therefore, participants must have a sufficient level in English to understand the presentations and other materials.


At the beginning of the training, a self-assessment is carried out to evaluate the level and expectations of each participant. In this way we can best organize the different working groups.
Afterwards, the trainer conducts an ongoing evaluation using the practical exercises.
At the end of the training, each participant's progress and achievements are self-evaluated. The trainer provides each participant with an evaluation, as well as areas for improvement.


Proposed as a 4 day training, this may be extended to 5 days to have more time to complete the hands-on labs and thus better assimilate the concepts & practical skills.

  • Day 1 : Kubernetes Principles & Concepts
    • 1st half
      • Review of container principles
      • Why Pods - comparison with Containers, VMs ?
      • Launch and interact with a Pod (ports, exec, logs)
      • “Reliability at scale” with Kubernetes
    • 2nd half
      • Basic principles: loose coupling, desired state, namespaces, Pods, Controllers, Services
      • Installation of a Kubernetes cluster (kubeadm) & CNI (Cilium)
      • The Kubernetes network model
      • Kubeconfig
      • The Kubernetes bootstrap process, static Pods
  • Day 2 : Deploying applications on Kubernetes
    • 1st half
      • Kubernetes architecture
      • Pods - init containers, multi-container patterns
      • Resource management by Container, by Namespace
    • 2nd half
      • API Kubernetes - API groups, explain, API access
      • Workload controllers
      • Application upgrades
      • Storage: basic, PV/PVC, dynamic provisioners
  • Day 3 : More storage, exposing applications on Kubernetes
    • 1st half
      • ConfigMaps: creation, usage, updating
      • Secrets: creation, usage, updating
      • Extending Kubernetes - Helm, CRDs, Operators
    • 2nd half
      • Exposing applications:
        • Services
        • Ingress controller
        • Gateway API
      • ServiceMesh
  • Day 4 : Observability, Debugging, Sécurity, HA
    • 1st half
      • Observability
        • MetricsServer, Dashboard
        • Logging - EFK, Loki
        • Metrics - Prometheus/grafana
      • Troubleshooting
        • Application troubleshooting with challenge
    • 2nd half
      • Security
        • SecurityContext & PodSecurityStandard
        • APIServer stages - Authentication, Authorisation, Admission Control
        • Policy Engines: OPA, Kyverno
        • Networkpolicies
      • Cluster HA
      • Advice for taking the CKA exam


Michael Bright
Michael Bright

Michael Bright est Formateur/Consultant Indépendant sur des sujets 'Cloud Natifs' (Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, OPA/Rego) avec plus que 30 ans d'expérience en IT et Telecom en tant que Chercheur, Développeur, Consultant avant-vente.

Avant de migrer vers Perpignan Michael a été organisateur/co-organisateur de groupes Meetup sur Python, Docker et FLOSS sur Grenoble. En tant que conférencier il présente sur les sujets 'Cloud Natifs' dont il est passionné -

Natif de Manchester, résident en France depuis plus 30 ans, il est toujours fier de la musique et de l' humour anglais.